Photographica Pages

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Anthony Champion

Champion 4x5 with Anthony No.1 Single Anchromatic lens

Anthony's amateur equipment was introduced in the early 1880s, but was originally designated by number rather than name. In the late 1880s, however, names replaced numbers for easier reference. The top-of-the-line mahogany folding tailboard cameras became the Champion Equipment. The Champion cameras were offered in six sizes ranging from the 4x5 to 8x10, but the 5x8 and 6½x8½ formats were the most popular early on. The 5x7 size became more popular in the 1890s. Champion equipment came equipped with an Anthony Single Achromatic (landscape) lens. Except for size, all the cameras in this line were essentially identical, but the 'smaller' formats are relatively uncommon.

Text and photos courtesy of Milan Zahorcak.